"Evening of a hot day started the little wind to moving among the leaves. The shade climbed up the hills toward the top. On the sand banks the rabbits sat as quietly as little gray, sculptured stones." (Chapter 1.)
Of Mice and Men is a film that is drowned in symbols to show what Steinbeck wants reader to see. He does a fantastic job of using animals and how they relate to the characters.
First, Candy's dog for example is extremely old, and useless. Just like the dog, Candy is old, broken down and really no use around the ranch. They boss even gave him the job of sweeping up, and keeping up with the chickens, because of his one arm. When reading about the dog, readers think of sickness and how he symbolizes that. Carlson even tells Candy him as "Got no teeth, he's all stiff with rheumatism. He ain't no good to you, Candy." They then tell somehow persue Candy to let them shoot him, because he's sick and if he really loves him, he wouldn't want him to suffer.
Although Candy's dog is alive, he pretty much represents death. Old, miserable, and really is no point for the dog to be alive. Candy's dog and himself are both old and on the verge of death it's kind of pointless for them to be around. However, they are around because they have some life in them. It would be just cruel to kill them but they are suffereing. Bit of a dilemma, wouldn't you say?
Candy and his dog represent, death, sickness and even the ending of dreams. Although they are old and uesless doesn't mean they can't be cured from sickness and off life support, and it surely doesn't mean they can't have dreams. However, Candy for example is a perfect example. He makes plans with George and Lennie, but his dreams cease when Lennie kills Curly's wife and everything is forced down hill. I guess things don't work out in your favor, when you over think things.
In conclusion, Of Mice and Men is a mega awesome novel filled with symbols that represent or reflect a character. This book is a must read because it's filled with loads of english class appliances that any teacher would want their student to read. Trust me, you don't want to upset them, you know english teachers and their lessons on symbols...
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